If you are looking for a great Betty Barnett DVD, the first thing you can do is to check out her website. A lot of great resources and information are available on this site. From where she grew up, to how she became a successful and well traveled professional, to what she has to say about being an achiever and a friend, she has a lot to say. It is refreshing to see a woman who has traveled the world and achieved so much come back home and share what she has learned with others. As you learn from her you will see how being a single parent and a working mom have influenced her choices and the direction her life has taken.
The Betts family is an interesting one. Betty Barnett Abundance Coach In Albuquerque was married three times before she met and fell in love with Henry, a traveling salesman. Henry was very loyal and devoted to Betty, to the point that she had to move to New Mexico just to be near him. They had four children together and then divorced. Henry was in the army and lived in Texas. Betty would go to the same job each day that she always did-no work, no kids, just her.
This was not the normal life of a single mother. Usually, women had careers, children, homes, and other aspects of their life that revolved around their husband or children. Betty did not fit into this mold of single motherhood. She was a single mother who struggled to make ends meet and provide for her family. It is not easy to be one. It takes a certain kind of personality to be able to pull it off.
Betty’s resilience-she never said she lacked resilience-was a quality that made her appealing as a teacher. It is one trait she passed on to her students during her years as a coach. One thing that all the students could learn from Betty was that you can’t give up. You have to keep going.
There is an old saying that says a horse knows a trick when he sees it. Betty knew that she had a talent for encouraging people to reach their full potential. She saw herself as a teacher and wanted to help train others in the same way. She took coaching very seriously and never took the role of the coach as personally as she might have wanted to.
As a coach, Betty was known for her friendly, patient, yet helpful approach. As an individual coach, she encouraged growth, expansion, improvement, and success. She was known for bringing people together. She reached out to each one individually. She didn’t view them as merely students. She saw them as people with whom she had a special connection.
When you meet Betty, she is very approachable. Anyone can walk into her office and feel safe connecting to her. Anyone can walk in and feel heard. If you need help, you can speak with her in any language. If you are struggling with something, you can talk to her about it. You don’t feel like you are judged or put on the spot.
I had the privilege of working with Betty for many years. It is rare to find someone who has such a warm, positive energy, and Betty possesses this quality. I highly value the time that I was able to spend with her as a client. She was always willing to take new challenges and learn new things. Her energy was contagious.
During our first year of coaching, Betty became very somber and moody. She talked at length about leaving people and not being there for her children anymore. This was something that I could not understand. In fact, it made me wonder how much she truly loved her family. All I could think was that her life was going nowhere fast and she wanted to get out while she could.
Once Betty returned to her practice and focused on herself again, everything began to click and fall into place. From that day on, she began working with her energy more efficiently. Her physical health and her career increased dramatically. Each month seemed to be a year away from another successful completion of her goal.
As an abundance guru coach, Betty is a true example of how you can live your life with abundant energy. Many people may disagree, but I believe that anyone can reach their full potential if they are willing to make the necessary sacrifices. Betty is living proof that the most important thing to do is to focus on your inner work, your desire to feel empowered, and your ability to visualize your goals. By doing this you will attract all the abundance that you desire in your life.